«Баллада о Великом Педагоге» (Ballad of the Great Pedagogue) is my graduation film based on poem by Edward Lear "Dingle Bank" translated into russian by Grigori Kroujkov
Original Poem by Edward Lear
“He Lived At Dingle Bank”
“He Lived At Dingle Bank”
He lived at Dingle Bank - he did; -
He lived at Dingle Bank;
And in his garden was one Quail,
Four tulips and a Tank:
And from his window he could see
The otion and the River Dee.
He lived at Dingle Bank;
And in his garden was one Quail,
Four tulips and a Tank:
And from his window he could see
The otion and the River Dee.
His house stood on a Cliff, - it did,
Its aspic it was cool;
And many thousand little boys
Resorted to his school,
Where if of progress they could boast
He gave them heaps of buttered toast.
Its aspic it was cool;
And many thousand little boys
Resorted to his school,
Where if of progress they could boast
He gave them heaps of buttered toast.
But he grew rabid-wroth, he did,
If they neglected books,
And dragged them to adjacent Cliffs
With beastly Button Hooks,
And there with fatuous glee he threw
Them down into the ocean blue.
If they neglected books,
And dragged them to adjacent Cliffs
With beastly Button Hooks,
And there with fatuous glee he threw
Them down into the ocean blue.
And in the sea they sway, they did, -
All playfully about,
And some eventually became
Sponges, or speckled trout: -
But Liverpool doth all bewail
Their Fate; - likewise his Garden Quail.
All playfully about,
And some eventually became
Sponges, or speckled trout: -
But Liverpool doth all bewail
Their Fate; - likewise his Garden Quail.
In a small grammar school on a high picturesque coastal cliff, the great educator effectively employs his strict yet fair educational method. He compliments and rewards those who study diligently, and fiercely punishes those who neglect schooling: he grabs them and throws off the cliff into the ocean where the good-for-nothings, instead of perishing in deep cold waters, turn into something they’ve actually already been.
Direction and script: Hanna "Strizh" Kryvonos
Art and voice: Dmitriy Kryvonos
Sound: Hanna "Strizh" Kryvonos, Anastasia Bilich
Voice recording by SoundPlant Studio
Special effects: Aleksandr Cherkassky
Music: "St. Anthony of Padua's Sermon to the Fish" by Gustav Mahler Performed by Rob Greenfield
"Gaudeamos Igitur" from movie "The student Prince" (1954) Performed by Mario Lanza
Art and voice: Dmitriy Kryvonos
Sound: Hanna "Strizh" Kryvonos, Anastasia Bilich
Voice recording by SoundPlant Studio
Special effects: Aleksandr Cherkassky
Music: "St. Anthony of Padua's Sermon to the Fish" by Gustav Mahler Performed by Rob Greenfield
"Gaudeamos Igitur" from movie "The student Prince" (1954) Performed by Mario Lanza
This film was made for pure educational purpose.




Frames from the movie



DVD menu


My dear people
I wish to express my deep gratitude to my brother and fantastic artist Dmitriy Kryvonos with whom I had great pleasure to create this movie! Bro, you're my dream team!
I also wish to thank my crew! You are all so awesome and I was super lucky to work with you!
Deep respect and gratitude to my teachers Roman Adamovich and Elena Kasavina, who've been very supportive and gave me creative freedom I needed.
Last but not least – thank you for priceless help and encouragement to Myroslava Lashkevich, Anton Blashchuk, Dmytro Lisenbart, Sergei Virshich-Kornilevsky, Mykola Kryvonos, Olexandra Dovzhyk,
mom and dad.
mom and dad.
I also send a bunch of rays of sunshine to every single viewer of this film!

Thank you for watching!